Results for 'Dennys Xavier García'

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  1. Prosografía y drama en Platón: una lectura cruzada de la "República" y "Teetero".Dennys Xavier García - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (34):149-164.
    En este artículo, intentamos demostrar en qué medida la teoria platónica de lo escrito –cuyas reglas se encuentran, principalmente, en la parte conclusiva del Fedro y en el excursus filosófico de la Carta VII– sea instrumento fundamental para la comprensión de la estructura compositiva del Teeteto. Siendo esto así, reconstruimos, en perspectiva prosopográfica y en armonía con aquellas reglas –según las cuales el mensaje filosófico debe adecuarse a la capacidad de aprehensión del deuteragonista– los perfiles de los personajes centrales del (...)
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    O "Parmênides" e as doutrinas não-escritas de Platão: o Uno e o Outro.Dennys Garcia Xavier - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (1):100.
    Diz Cornford que o diálogo Parmênides inicia “a série das obras nas quais Platão pela primeira vez confronta a sua própria doutrina com os principais sistemas dos predecessores e a submete a um exame crítico”. Sim, mas é ainda mais: a reconstrução do diálogo à luz do método hermenêutico de Tübingen-Milão nos leva a colher a estrutura na qual se entrecruzam as visões ontológicas em três níveis, do mundo físico às Ideias e das Ideias aos Princípios primeiros. O elemento-chave do (...)
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  3. Composição dramática e maiêutica no Teeteto de Platão.Dennys Garcia Xavier - 2007 - Princípios 14 (21):175-194.
    Neste artigo, submetendo a breve análise a digressáo sobre a maiêutica “socrática”, tentamos demonstrar em que medida a escolha dos personagens do Teeteto de Platáo determina a natureza do debate desenvolvido ali. Inspirados pelo critério hermenêutico da escola de Tübingen-Miláo , julgamos que a recomposiçáo dos perfis dramático-biográficos daqueles personagens, em plena harmonia com a teoria do escrito-jogo de Platáo apresentada na parte conclusiva do Fedro e completada, em seu aspecto dramático-compositivo pelo livro III da República , seja elemento central (...)
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    How not to read Plato.Dennys Garcia Xavier - 2011 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 6:93-98.
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    The Platonic agnosticism in the Plato’s Phaedo.Dennys Garcia Xavier - 2016 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 17:159-172.
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    Entrevista Com Thomas M. Robinson Para A Edição Comemorativa Da Revista Educação E Filosofia.Dennys Garcia Xavier - 2011 - Educação E Filosofia 25 (50):417-440.
    Thomas M. Robinson é um velho conhecido dos estudiosos brasileiros de Filosofia Antiga. Em primeiro lugar, porque as suas obras – especialmente aquelas dedicadas a Platão – compõem a bibliografia essencial de qualquer trabalho vinculado à área; depois, porque não foram poucas as vezes que contamos com a honra e o prazer da sua presença em terras brasileiras. A insistência em convidá-lo tantas vezes para vir ao País tem várias razões de ser e algumas devem ser destacadas aqui.
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  7. Interview With Thomas M. Robinson For The Commemorative Edition Of The Journal Educação E Filosofia.Dennys Garcia Xavier - 2011 - Educação E Filosofia 25 (50).
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  8. Para uma leitura alternativa de Platão.Dennys Garcia Xavier - 2005 - Educação E Filosofia 19 (38):145-157.
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  9. Para uma análise do critério schleiermacheriano de interpretação das obras de Platão.Dennys Garcia Xavier - 2005 - Educação E Filosofia 19 (37):179-199.
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    The Excess of Moderation: Clement of Alexandria against Laughter.Luis Xavier López-Farjeat & María-Elena García-Peláez - 2022 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 3 (1):1-24.
    The aim of this article is to revisit Clement of Alexandria’s Paedagogus 2.5.45-8 discussing whether Clement holds a moderate position οf laughter or, like most early Christians, tends to an “antigelastic” position. Some scholars, such as Stephen Halliwell and Laura Rizzerio, have concluded that Clement holds an intermediate position between an optimistic approach to laughter and its condemnation. However, in this essay we argue that while Clement’s position is not a straightforward antigelastic one, his apparent acceptance of laughter is so (...)
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    Possible Health Technology Assessment Pathways.Mireia Espallargues Carreras, Xavier Garcia Cuscó, Rossana Alessandrello, Ramon Maspons, Alexandre Serigado, Cécile F. Rousseau, Emmanuelle M. Voisin, Enrique Morales-Orcajo & Marco Viceconti - 2024 - In Marco Viceconti & Luca Emili (eds.), Toward Good Simulation Practice: Best Practices for the Use of Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Regulatory Process of Biomedical Products. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 73-92.
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    Deleuze-Guattari e educação física cultural: pedagogia do conceito de "escrita-currículo".Pedro Xavier Russo Bonetto & Marcos Garcia Neira - 2018 - Filosofia E Educação 10 (2):406-437.
    O artigo em questão trata do conceito de “escrita-currículo”, produzido no âmbito da perspectiva cultural de Educação Física. A partir da “pedagogia do conceito” inscrita na perspectiva filosófica de Félix Guattari e Gilles Deleuze, analisamos o referido conceito tomando como referência os elementos de: assinatura, historicidade, campo de imanência, elementos e componentes, multiplicidade, personagem conceitual, traços de intensidade e objetividade. Assim, vimos que o conceito procura movimentar de uma outra forma as práticas pedagógicas prescritas, fixas, rígidas, tradicionais, tecnicistas, procedimentais, acríticas, (...)
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    From literal meaning to veracity in two hundred milliseconds.Clara D. Martin, Xavier Garcia, Audrey Breton, Guillaume Thierry & Albert Costa - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Nursing students’ attitude toward euthanasia following its legalization in Spain.Antonia Arreciado Marañón, Rosa García-Sierra, Xavier Busquet-Duran, Gloria Tort-Nasarre & Maria Feijoo-Cid - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (2):412-423.
    Background Euthanasia is a controversial practice in many countries. Since Spain’s Euthanasia Law came into effect on March 24, 2021, healthcare providers have faced a new challenge since they must inform patients, provide care, accompany them, and implement the law. It also represents a new stumbling block at universities, which must adapt to regulatory changes and educate future professionals accordingly. Little is known about the attitude of nursing students in Spain toward euthanasia since this law was implemented. Objective This study (...)
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    Physical Activity-Related Profiles of Female Sixth-Graders Regarding Motivational Psychosocial Variables: A Cluster Analysis Within the CReActivity Project.Joachim Bachner, David J. Sturm, Xavier García-Massó, Javier Molina-García & Yolanda Demetriou - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:580563.
    Introduction Adolescents’ physical activity (PA) behavior can be driven by several psychosocial determinants at the same time. Most analyses use a variable-based approach that examines relations between PA-related determinants and PA behavior on the between-person level. Using this approach, possible coexistences of different psychosocial determinants within one person cannot be examined. Therefore, by applying a person-oriented approach, this study examined a) which profiles regarding PA-related psychosocial variables typically occur in female sixth-graders, b) if these profiles deliver a self-consistent picture according (...)
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    Governance and Territorial Cohesion Through Policies and Good Practices: A Focus on Local Development.Flavia María Vargas Mursulí, Xavier Amat Montesino & Renier Esquivel Garcia - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:369-381.
    The concept of governance initially emerged in the field of economics and business management with the objective of achieving greater efficiency. It was subsequently extended to the field of government management. In many countries, governance has become a topic of great importance as a result of the implementation of decentralization policies and the extension of popular participation in land use plans in the search for sustainable development. The study, developed in the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Portoviejo canton in the province (...)
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    Allostatic Load Is Linked to Cortical Thickness Changes Depending on Body-Weight Status.Jonatan Ottino-González, María A. Jurado, Isabel García-García, Bàrbara Segura, Idoia Marqués-Iturria, María J. Sender-Palacios, Encarnació Tor, Xavier Prats-Soteras, Xavier Caldú, Carme Junqué & Maite Garolera - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Història social de la filosofia catalana: la lògica (1900-1980).Xavier Serra - 2010 - Catarroja: Editorial Afers.
    Quines són les causes del dèficit filosòfic que arrossega la cultura catalana contemporània? Aquest llibre ofereix un panorama bastant complet —i amarg— de les condicions acadèmiques i extraacadèmiques en què s’ha hagut de conrear als Països Catalans la filosofia, tota la filosofia, centrant-se, això sí, en les aventures personals i col·lectives dels qui han tingut la vel·leïtat de dedicar-se a la lògica. Hi són narrades amb amenitat i lucidesa l’estada de Bertrand Russell a Barcelona, la defenestració d’Eugeni d’Ors, les aberracions (...)
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    Psychometric Properties of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome.Albert Feliu-Soler, Elvira Reche-Camba, Xavier Borràs, Adrián Pérez-Aranda, Laura Andrés-Rodríguez, María T. Peñarrubia-María, Mayte Navarro-Gil, Javier García-Campayo, Juan A. Bellón & Juan V. Luciano - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Earth Ways: Framing Geographical Meanings.Deepanwita Dasgupta, Robert Kirkman, Jason W. Moore, François-Xavier Nzi Iyo Nsenga, Lawrence A. Peskin, Dennis E. Skocz & Paul Steege (eds.) - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    How do you connect the discipline of anthropology to both philosophy and geography? What about history, sociology, and other applied and theoretical forms of knowledge? In Earth Ways: Framing Geographical Meanings, Gary Backhaus and John Murungi challenge contributors to find the organizing component, or "framings," that enables them to bridge their own work to philosophy and geography. What emerges are truly creative contributions to interdisciplinary thought.
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    El ataque de Juan David García Bacca a la categoría de sorge heideggeriana.Xavier Gimeno Monfort - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 11:111.
    La intención principal del presente artículo se centra en tres puntos esenciales y correlacionados entre sí. Nuestra principal intención es presentar, argumentativamente, las razones por las que Juan David García Bacca habría cometido un error al traducir el término heideggeriano Sorge por preocupación y no por cuidado. Pretendemos sostener que el hecho de traducir Sorge por preocupación, distorsiona gravemente todo el andamiaje ontológico y existencial propuesto por Heidegger. Si esto es así, Juan David García Bacca habría elaborado un (...)
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    A Longitudinal Study on Attention Development in Primary School Children with and without Teacher-Reported Symptoms of ADHD.Elisabet Suades-González, Joan Forns, Raquel García-Esteban, Mónica López-Vicente, Mikel Esnaola, Mar Álvarez-Pedrerol, Jordi Julvez, Alejandro Cáceres, Xavier Basagaña, Anna López-Sala & Jordi Sunyer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    El método dialéctico transfinitante de Juan David García Bacca y el humanismo positivo como horizonte de la facticidad social.Xavier Gimeno Monfort - 2015 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 42:149-178.
    Nuestra intención en el presente trabajo es el siguiente: presentar del modo más sintético, concreto y preciso, las claves del “método dialéctico transfinitante” garcibacquiano. Analizaremos desde un punto de vista hermenéutico y crítico, el modo en el que el método dialéctico transfinitante es, en sí mismo, el sustento filosófico del humanismo positivo. Para ello, analizaremos los principales argumentos expuestos en Curso sistemático de filosofía actual que, a nuestro juicio, tal vez sea una de las obras más importantes de toda la (...)
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    Xavier García Raffi, Alfred North Whitehead. [REVIEW]Juan Vicente - 2005 - Chromatikon 1:229-232.
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    Voluntad de poder y transfinitud: convergencia y colisión entre Nietzsche y García Bacca.Xavier Gimeno-Monfort - 2021 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 76 (291 Extra):1203-1221.
    En el presente artículo trataremos un tema inédito dentro de los estudios sobre la vida y obra de García Bacca. En especial, trataremos de ver en qué medida la obra de García Bacca puede ser interpretada como una expansión de los límites que, en opinión de Heidegger, la propuesta metafísica nietzscheana lleva asociado de modo intrínseco. En especial, trataremos de analizar comparativamente ambas propuestas metafísicas con el fin de demostrar que si bien parte de la génesis de la (...)
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    La importancia del filosofar en español para Juan David García Bacca: literatura y transustanciación.Xavier Gimeno Monfort - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 21 (2).
    RESUMENEl presente artículo pretende dar cuenta del origen y cambio radical de paradigma filosófico sufrido por el filósofo de origen Navarro Juan David García Bacca. En especial, trataremos de analizar cómo y por qué razón, el filósofo español pasa de desestimar la posibilidad de una forma propia del filosofar español desde una perspectiva ontológica, hasta tratar la poesía y la literatura como las formas idiosincráticas del hacer filosofía en español. Esta forma característicamente española de hacer filosofía en español será, (...)
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    Sobre tres ejercicios literario-filosóficos de moral desde el prisma de Juan David García Bacca.Xavier Gimeno Monfort - 2015 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 64:7.
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    El poder de lo real en Xavier Zubiri y su lectura de los padres griegos.Juan José García - 2002 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 4:19-66.
    The “power of the real”, which Zubiri conceptualized in the final period of his philosophy, is “inspired” in the creation concept of the Greek Fathers, according to Zubiri’sexposition of Greek Patristics in “Supernatural Being: God and Deification in Pauline Theology”. In addition, Zubiri makes that concept his own in a course on Christianity, published posthumously. That inspiration can be detected when Zubiri radicalizes his philosophical approach. This implies purifying his philosophy of elements from Latin theology,whose notions he contrasts with those (...)
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  29. Zubiri, Xavier: Sobre el hombre.P. García Barriuso - 1987 - Diálogo Filosófico 9:372-374.
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    En torno a la realidad humana en Xavier Zubiri.Ricardo Espinoza Lolas & Pamela Soto García - 2016 - Arbor 192 (780):a329.
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  31. Dioecismo y Ciudad Ideal. Acerca de la República de Platón, VII 540e4-541a1.David Xavier Lévystone - 2022 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 16 (1):01-26.
    The radical mean suggested by Socrates in order to carry out the program of the Republic - the relegation to the fields of all inhabitants over the age of 10 - has perplexed modern commentators who have seen in it an ironical remark, a reductio ad absurdum presented in order to establish the very impossibility of Kallipolis or, on the contrary, a sign of the totalitarian and criminal character of the Platonic city. But it is far from evident, in view (...)
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    Are There Traces of Phenomenology in Zubiri’s Naturaleza, Historia, Dios?Miguel García-baró López - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (2):327-339.
    This article deals with the reception of phenomenology by Xavier Zubiri, one of the most important figures of 20th century Spanish philosophy. During his lifetime Zubiri published few books, but he left an immense legacy of courses and manuscripts. Among the most important published works is the book Naturaleza, Historia, Dios. Zubiri explains there his critical reception of phenomenology: he subscribes to it, insofar as it is a philosophy of things themselves. But this evaluation of phenomenology is at the (...)
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    El confín del final de la vida humana en el pensamiento bioético de Diego Gracia.Antonio Redondo García - 2023 - Endoxa 52.
    El objetivo de este artículo es examinar la postura sobre la cuestión del final de la vida humana en la obra del bioeticista español Diego Gracia. Para ello, primero trataremos el concepto de confín presente en su pensamiento bioético, para pasar después a preguntarnos sobre la determinación que desde la ciencia puede hacerse del momento de la muerte. Posteriormente, nos ocuparemos de la idea que el bioeticista tiene de la muerte desde la filosofía, mostrando las influencias recibidas del pensamiento de (...)
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    Should We Resurrect Institutional Corruption?Mario I. Juarez-Garcia - 2023 - Public Affairs Quarterly 37 (1):1-19.
    Worried that the current paradigm of political corruption (individual corruption: the misuse of public office for private gain) is too narrow to protect democratic institutions from private interests, the political theorist Dennis Thompson resurrects the premodern notion of institutional corruption, which refers to practices that undermine the purpose of political institutions. From the lenses of institutional corruption, practices such as money in political campaigns, lobbying, or wealth inequality are to be condemned and eradicated to protect democratic institutions. The goal of (...)
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    Historia, prácticas y estilos en la filosofía de la ciencia: hacia una epistemología plural.Xavier de Donato - 2013 - Dianoia 58 (71):167-174.
    Ésta es una contribución al debate originado por Guillermo Hurtado y proseguido por Manuel García-Carpintero y Horacio Luján Martínez, con relación al sentido y a los objetivos de la filosofía analítica, especialmente en Iberoamérica. En ella se defiende que las tesis de Hurtado también se pueden aplicar al cultivo de filosofías no analíticas, pues en realidad conciernen a la filosofía profesional que se practica dentro y fuera de Iberoamérica. Se sostiene, además, que si bien la profesionalización y la masificación (...)
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    (1 other version)Galileo y Zubiri… los inicios de la técnica moderna. El método experimental como «probación física de la realidad».Ricardo Espinoza Lolas, Pamela Soto García & Patricio Lombardo Bertolini - 2017 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 73 (276):319.
    Este artículo busca pensar los orígenes de la Técnica moderna en la vida y obra del científico pisano Galileo Galilei a la luz de dos ideas fundamentales, por una parte, lo acontecido en la propia época de Galileo y, por otra parte, en la categoría fundamental de «experimentación» como «probación física de la realidad» que aparece en la obra Inteligencia y razón de Xavier Zubiri. Desde esta categoría de análisis podremos ver la riqueza de la inicial investigación científico-técnica de (...)
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  37. Puig Antich, Salvador (1948–1974).Yannick Beaulieu & Pedro García-Guirao - 2009 - In Immanuel Ness (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd..
    Catalan anarchist Salvador Puig Antich was part of the military branch of a small revolutionary organization called the Movimento Ibérico de Liberación/Grupos autónomos de combate (Iberian Liberation Movement/Autonomous Combat Groups) (MIL/GAC). He participated in bank robberies (“expropriations”) meant to finance clandestine propaganda and support striking workers. After a series of such robberies, in September 1973 Puig Antich and comrade Xavier Garriga were ambushed by police; in the melee, Puig Antich was injured and deputy inspector Francisco Anguas Barragán was shot (...)
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    Dos cartas inéditas entre Manuel García Morente y Xavier Zubiri.Juan Carlos Infante Gómez - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):1371-1390.
    Ofrecemos dos cartas inéditas entre los filósofos Manuel García Morente y Xavier Zubiri. La primera carta, escrita por el pensador giennense, viene a iluminar el itinerario de su conversión religiosa que le llevó a ordenarse sacerdote en la Iglesia católica. Dicho proceso espiritual había empezado a fraguarse el año anterior en París, durante el exilio que ambos pensadores habían compartido en la capital francesa, tras el estallido de la guerra civil española. En la segunda carta, fechada casi dos (...)
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  39. Moral particularism in the light of deontic logic.Xavier Parent - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 19 (2-3):75-98.
    The aim of this paper is to strengthen the point made by Horty about the relationship between reason holism and moral particularism. In the literature prima facie obligations have been considered as the only source of reason holism. I strengthen Horty’s point in two ways. First, I show that contrary-to-duties provide another independent support for reason holism. Next I outline a formal theory that is able to capture these two sources of holism. While in simple settings the proposed account coincides (...)
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  40. Sense data: The sensible approach.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2001 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 62 (1):17-63.
    In this paper, I present a version of a sense-data approach to perception, which differs to a certain extent from well-known versions like the one put forward by Jackson. I compare the sense-data view to the currently most popular alternative theories of perception, the so-called Theory of Appearing (a very specific form of disjunctivist approaches) on the one hand and reductive representationalist approaches on the other. I defend the sense-data approach on the basis that it improves substantially on those alternative (...)
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    The stochastic component in choice and regression to the mean.Aurora García-Gallego, Nikolaos Georgantzís, Daniel Navarro-Martínez & Gerardo Sabater-Grande - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (2):251-267.
    In this article, we illustrate experimentally an important consequence of the stochastic component in choice behaviour which has not been acknowledged so far. Namely, its potential to produce ‘regression to the mean’ (RTM) effects. We employ a novel approach to individual choice under risk, based on repeated multiple-lottery choices (i.e. choices among many lotteries), to show how the high degree of stochastic variability present in individual decisions can distort crucially certain results through RTM effects. We demonstrate the point in the (...)
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  42. Two-Dimensional Semantics.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Josep Macià (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    Two-dimensional semantics is a framework that helps us better understand some of the most fundamental issues in philosophy: those having to do with the relationship between the meaning of words, the way the world is, and our knowledge of the meaning of words. This selection of new essays by some of the world's leading authorities in this field sheds fresh light both on foundational issues regarding two-dimensional semantics and on its specific applications. Contributors: Richard Breheny, Alex Byrne, David Chalmers, Martin (...)
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    Recherches Sur l'Intuition Intellectuelle de Kant À Hegel.Xavier Tilliette - 1995 - Paris: Vrin.
    Comment se fait-il que l'intuition intellectuelle bannie par Kant ait ete si promptement reintegree par ses meilleurs disciples? Et pourquoi l'intuition ainsi rehabilitee a-t-elle fait aussitot tache d'huile, s'associant a toutes sortes d'evenements et d'etats psychiques, sans perdre pour autant son caractere intellectuel? A ces questions majeures l'historiographie n'a fourni qu'un debut de reponse. En vue d'ouvrir un debat, on a voulu enqueter sur place, dans le milieu philosophique et culturel de l'Idealisme et du premier Romantisme, avec la methode historico-critique (...)
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    Déréglementer : pourquoi, comment, jusqu’où?Xavier Wauthy - 1999 - Éthique Publique 1 (2).
    Cet article expose les grandes forces économiques qui sous-tendent et organisent le processus de déréglementation caractérisant aujourd’hui les économies développées. Il montre comment, au sein de ce processus, la réglementation change de forme et de nature plus qu’elle ne disparaît réellement. À un contrôle direct par l’autorité publique se substitue progressivement un contrôle indirect par une concurrence encadrée. Les enjeux éthiques de la déréglementation sont abordés à la lumière de cette analyse économique.
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    Quelles doctrines constitutionnelles pour quel(s) droit(s) constitutionnel(s)?Xavier Mouton & Ste?Phane Mouton (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
    L'ouvrage Quelles doctrines constitutionnelles pour quel(s) droit(s) constitutionel(s) réuni les contributions des plus éminents spécialistes du droit constitutionnel français, mais aussi étrangers, dans le but de dresser un état des lieux scientifiques de cette discipline : qu'est-ce le droit constitutionnel aujourd'hui? Quellle est son utilité? Et quelles sont ses méthodes, ses évolutuons? Les différentes contributions ici proposées se penchent sur la possible formalisation (ou pas) d'une discipline scientifique autour d'une ou différentes écoles, ainsi que les évolutions qui travaillent les objets, (...)
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    Patenting DNA: Who defines and protects the public good?Sandra Anderson Garcia - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (3):25 – 26.
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    Paradoxes in the Argumentation of the Comic Double and Classemic Contradiction.Benjamín García-Hernández - 2003 - Argumentation 17 (1):99-111.
    In the comedies of errors, and more precisely in the comedies of double, in which two identities become confused, the characters get into paradoxical situations reigned by the principle of contradiction. The classemic relationships that are based on the criterion of subjectivity are broken due to the intervention of the character appearing as the double, for the doubled and the double can appear as one subject or as two. In fact, in the added double one + one equals one (1 (...)
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    Dwelling the Natural Spaces in Sexed Bodies: Gender and Environmental Responsability.Marta I. González García - 2008 - Arbor 184 (729).
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  49. Santa Clara en el arte de Galicia y León.Ma Gonzalez Garcia - 1994 - Verdad y Vida 52 (207-08):649-666.
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  50. La escritura inspirada y la encarnación del Verbo.Antonio Izquierdo Garcia - 2002 - Alpha Omega 5 (1):103-136.
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